Hi! I’m a PhD candidate in computer science at the University of California - Irvine in the Center for Algorithms and Theory of Computation. I am pleased to have Dr. Michael Goodrich and Dr. Sandy Irani as my advisors. My interests are in theoretical computer science, recently focused on quantum computing and quantum information. In my free time, I enjoy playing video games, piano, baking, and taking walks.
Research wise I have put down StoqMA to the side for a bit while I focus on some other projects. I am still interested to see if there is a search-to-decision reduction in this class, so would love to discuss this with anyone interested.
I am now working on searching for constructive proofs for the containment of 2D commuting local Hamiltonian problem on qutrits in NP. Sandy Irani and Jiaqing Jiang showed this fact in this QIP paper, albeit non-constructively.
I am also working on characterizing the monogamy of entanglement with some of my undergraduate students who were in my quantum computing course. We hope to also develop a simple webapp where we can have students in a classroom play through a quantum game.
Teaching wise, I am working as a TA for the graduate data structures course at UCI taught by David Eppstein (CS 261), and am preparing to teach introduction to analysis of algorithms (CS 161) during the summer quarter.
University of California, Irvine | Irvine, CA | PhD in Computer Science | Sept 2020 - June 2025 (Expected)
Calvin University | Grand Rapids, MI | B.S in Mathematics | Sept 2016 - May 2020
Notable Publications
Modified Iterative Quantum Amplitude Estimation is Asymptotically Optimal with Chris Ho, Sandy Irani, and Jasen Zion ALENEX2023
Diamonds are Forever in the Blockchain: Geometric Polyhedral Point-Set Pattern Matching with Gill Barequet, Michael Goodrich, David Mount, Martha Osegueda, and Evrim Ozel CCCG2022