HW3 - Problem 4
Problem 4: Quantum Teleportation
Design a quantum teleportation protocol where Alice and Bob share the \(\ket{\Psi^+}\) state, instead of the \(\ket{\Phi^+}\) state. You should follow the analysis we did in class to verify that this works successfully. The analysis should include:
- A diagram of the circuit for the protocol
- A description of the state of Bob’s qubit after Alice’s measurements
- The sequence of gates to apply to Bob’s state depending on the measurement observed.
(Bonus) Code Implementation
Look out for our TA’s Python notebook to attempt this part.
Write a circuit that implements the quantum teleportation protocol you just designed, where Alice and Bob share a \(\ket{\Psi^+}\) state. Test your protocol on a random input. One way to generate a random input is to create the \(\ket{\theta}\) state from Problem 1, by sampling a random \(\theta\) and applying a \(R_\theta\) gate to your first qubit.
Experimentally verify that the teleportation was successful. One way to do this is to take samples of Alice’s original state, and then take samples from Bob’s state after the teleportation is applied.