Introduction to Quantum Information and Computing
- Welcome to CS 166!
Key Documents and Pages for the Course
- Make sure to read through the syllabus. I have outlined the expectations for myself and for you for this quarter amongst other things.
Staff and Contact Info
If you need assistance with course material or logistics, please use the Ed discussion board. For personal accommodations you may email me directly.
- Shion Fukuzawa
- fukuzaws at uci dot edu
- Office hours: TWTh, 2-3pm ICS 458F
- PollEv link
- Fan Wang
- Office hours: F, 3-4pm ICS 458B
- Kourosh Mirsohi
- Office hours: W, 1-2pm ICS 458B
- Ziwen Wan
- Office hours: M, 4-5pm ICS 458A
Course Outline
The following is the tentative breakdown of the three modules we will divide the class into.
- Module 1: Math Foundations
- Probability and Complex numbers
- Quantum circuits
- Linear algebra
- Complexity
- Module 2: Quantum Information
- No cloning theorem and quantum money
- Quantum teleportation and superdense coding
- Hidden variable theories, monogamy of entanglement, and the CHSH game
- Quantum circuits and complexity
- Error correction
- Module 3: Quantum Computing
- Query algorithms: Deutsch-Josza, Bernstein-Vazirani, Simon’s
- Quantum Fourier Transform
- Shor’s algorithm
- Grover’s algorithm
- Phase estimation (Not covered this quarter)
Lecture notes
In this section I will post the digital copies of the lecture notes. Annotated versions will be posted as the course progresses.
- Preliminaries
- Probability and Complex Numbers (unannotated notes, annotated notes)
- Quantum States and Linear Algebra (unannotated notes, annotated notes)
Problem Sets
- Homework 1 Solutions will be posted January 13, cover sheet must be submitted by January 15 11AM (before class).
Please submit your homework to Gradescope after completing the cover sheet. If you do not have access to gradescope, let me know ASAP. Solutions will be posted to Canvas.
Assignments submitted by the due date will be graded and returned to you!